Immediately after Friday TV was caught unlawfully exploiting BUMP's "Minute To Win It" format together with Metronome, Endemol Shine, and NBCUniversal, and BUMP sent them its email inquiry about the infringements, Friday TV informed that their Head of Legal and Business Affairs Eva-Lotta Almkvist "will get back to you", and quickly after Head of Legal created agreements between Metronome, Friday TV, and BUMP with the intent to purchase the rights to "Minute To Win It" from BUMP. Friday TV's lawyers Caroline von Heidenstam and Lena Frånstedt Lofalk at law firm Foretagsjuridik Nord Och Co in Sweden (today called Kanter Law firm) withheld the created agreements and instead advised Friday TV to deny everything to force BUMP to file its claim in the Swedish court where they could get the claim dismissed and Friday TV could avoid to pay BUMP royalties for Minute To Win It. BUMP however discovered Internet Links, URLs, to the created agreements after the Swedish lawyers and Head of Legal's multiple visits on BUMP's website. The URLs came directly from the server called MUTTER MEDIA in Sweden which was used by Metronome, Friday TV, and their Head of Legal.
Endemol Shine's lawyer in UK, Caroline Kean, once asked BUMP "Why don't you sell your format to Endemol Shine?" during a telephone call, and later she revealed in a letter to BUMP that the two Swedish lawyers at Foretagsjuridik Nordh Och and Friday TV's Head of legal downloaded files with contents from BUMP's website which Head of Legal "secured for use in evidence", but the downloaded evidence were never secured to be used in court, instead, the links BUMP discovered have shown that Head of Legal used the downloaded files as "Documentation" for the agreements that she created between Metronome, Friday TV, and BUMP to purchase the rights to BUMP's "Minute To Win It" format.
BUMP is still owed royalties for more than 30 million US dollars.