It is unacceptable that Insurance companies Aviva Insurance Limited, HDI Global Specialty SE, Sompo International and UK court Judges Deputy Master Linwood and Mr Justice Richard Smith have suppressed and covered up evidence of witness suicide and perjury in court by Wiggin LLP's key witnessJock Millgårdh.
Jock Millgårdh, co-founder of Swedish format development company Friday TV was advised by law firm Wiggin LLP and Caroline Kean to issue a false witness statement to the court to support a fraudulent strike application. Jock Millgårdh committed suicide.
Judges Deputy Master Linwood and Justice Richard Smith have also suppressed and covered up evidence of perjury and fraud by Caroline Kean of law firm Wiggin LLP:
- Evidence of Internet links to concealed contracts were discovered from Jock Millgårdh's company's server in 2011 ,
- There was no court proceedings in 2011.
- Caroline Kean and her law firm Wiggin LLP were instructed to act for Jock Millgardh's company Friday TV in 2016, which is five years after the concealed contracts were already created in 2011 between Millgardh's company Friday TV and BUMP,
- However in her written witness statement of 30 November 2023 which her law firm's insurance companies' counsels submitted to the court Caroline Kean falsely stated that "no contracts did exist (for those were my instructions)". How could she have given instructions to Jock Millgårdh and Friday TV in 2011 regarding the created contracts when she and her law firm Wiggin LLP were never instructed in 2011 but first five years later in 2016? 
- Caroline Kean knew her witness statement under oath was FALSE and PERJURY. 
Judges Deputy Master Linwood and Justice Richard Smith also deliberately ignored and tried to cover up
- evidence of a witness statement by Massimo Locci, a witness who was present at the pitch-meeting BUMP held with Jock Millgårdh in Stockholm in 2005 with regard to the gameshow "Minute Winner - You got one minute to win it". 
- evidence of NDA for "Minute Winner" which was proof that BUMP pitched its gameshow "Minute To Win It" to Jock Millgårdh at the Stockholm meeting. 
- evidence of racism and discrimination which was proof that Millgardh and Friday TV paid millions in royalties to Swedish choir leader Caroline af Ugglas, who is White, on the basis of an on oral idea of the TV show "Clash of the choirs" which Friday TV and Jock Millgårdh sold to NBCUniversal, and there was never any dispute of copyright even when an oral idea is not protected by copyright. However Wiggin LLP advised Friday TV and its parent company Endemol Shine and they used copyright as false pretext to defraud BUMP and its Black founder of millions in royalties with regard to "Minute To Win It" which Jock Millgårdh and Friday TV also sold to NBCUniversal. 
Judges must not lie in court's judgement, must not abuse their position to cover up evidence of perjury and witness suicide to protect law firms and their insurance companies in an indemnity case. It is a serious breach, the JCIO (Judicial Conduct Investigations Office) has the responsibility to ensure that bias, corruption of judges, and judges' misconduct and abuse of court process does not happen in the English justice system. 

In an email evidence of 22 February 2016 which had as subject “Possible embezzlement case against Friday TV and Metronome?”, BUMP put their former solicitors Fox Williams on notice with regard to Friday TV and Metronome's financial fraud scheme and wrote: “there is sufficient grounds for filing or including an embezzlement claim against Friday TV and Metronome” in light of evidence of concealed contracts between Friday TV and BUMP.

Solicitor Caroline Kean of Wiggin LLP who was acting on behalf of Friday TV denied that contacts were created between Friday TV and BUMP and she improperly stated in her written witness statement of 30 November 2023 she submitted to the court in London, “No contract did exist, for those were my instructions”, but she knew that her statement was FALSE, because concealed contracts between her client Friday TV and BUMP with regard to the gameshow "Minute To Win It" were created in 2011, and she and her law firm Wiggin LLP were first retained five years after in 2016 to act for Friday TV. She knew her statement, which she made under oath in a verified statement of truth, was PERJURY, FRAUD, an attempt to COVER UP SERIOUS FINANCIAL FRAUD for millions of dollars in royalties and RACIAL DISCRIMINATION against the successful gameshow's Black creator and his company. She also knew that in 2011 Friday TV's solicitors were Swedish law firm Foretagsjuridik Nord Och Co, not her or Wiggin LLP, and the concealed contracts with BUMP were created in Swedish language.

Metronome, Friday TV's Swedish parent company, have a proven history of misappropriation and unlawful use of BUMP's work without license or royalties, including Luxury Trap, Minute To Win It, etc. One invoice for Luxury Trap of the amount of £20m in royalties still has not been paid. Their lawyers have used threats, abusive surveillance, intimidation, against BUMP's Black founder.

After their lawyers withheld the contract documents they had established between Friday TV and BUMP, Jock Millgårdh and his other Friday TV's co-founders Mattias Olsson and Estelle Bodén (von Schinkel) resigned, along with their Legal counsel Eva-Lotta Almkvist. The Swedish lawyers later advised Jock Millgårdh, who was already facing backlash and possible damages for selling "Minute to Win It" to NBCUniversal, to deny everything and issue a false witness statement to the Swedish and English courts to support strike out and summary judgement applications filed by law firms Foretagjuridik Nord Och Co and Wiggin LLP's. Millgårdh would later commit suicide. 

This case is about serious financial fraud and racism, using copyright as false pretext to defraud a Black minority company.

This case is about English law firm Wiggin LLP withholding documents and advising their clients Friday TV and others not to pay millions of pounds in royalties to commit serious financial fraud and racial discrimination against BUMP and its Black founder. 

This case is about English law firm Fox Williams' fraud, deceit, breach of contract with BUMP, Professional Negligence and wrongly advising BUMP to pursue a copyright claim against Wiggin LLP’s clients in 2016 when the evidence show that copyright was never an issue between Friday TV and BUMP and removing from the case without BUMP's consent evidentiary documents which proved Wiggin's clients' financial fraud and discrimination. Fox Williams is now using "copyright" as false pretext to deny and to cover up its own fraud, deceit, and professional negligence. And after it removed documents from BUMP's case without BUMP's consent Fox Williams repeatedly urged Wiggin to file an application to London High court to strike out BUMP's claims, and afterwards it admitted to its omissions of BUMP's documents in a letter of 13 December 2016 to Wiggin LLP and stated: “the court does not yet have all of the factual information available and consequently is unable to rule on important questions”, which is a clear admission of its own act of FRAUD, PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF DUTY OF CARE, and BREACH OF CONTRACT with BUMP.

Both Wiggin LLP and Fox Williams submitted BUMP's claim against them to their Insurance providers.
This case is about Wiggin and Fox Williams’ insurance companies' solicitors RPC / Reynolds Porter Chamberlain and Browne Jacobson obstructing BUMP’s indemnity claim by also using copyright as false pretext for the insurers not to compensate a Black minority company for Wiggin's and Fox Williams' acts and omissions.

This case is about Deputy Master Linwood at London High Court using his role as Judge to help law firms Wiggin and Fox Williams and their insurance companies and to attempt to get rid of BUMP’s indemnity claim by issuing a biased and racist ruling against a Black minority company, purposely ignoring the evidence that BUMP put before him and lying and falsely stating in his court's decision of 23 February 2024 that no evidence of perjury by Wiggin's key witness Jock Millgårdh and by Wiggin's partner Caroline Kean was put before him, his court's decision is heavily geared towards defending and protecting law firms Wiggin LLP and Fox Williams LLP against BUMP's compelling evidence. 

"Copyright" was never in question in 2006 and was never a prerequisite for royalty payment when Friday TV signed an agreement with BUMP and agreed to pay BUMP 35% of sales worldwide for BUMP's "Celebrity Birthday" format.

"Copyright" was never in question in 2008 and was never a prerequisite for royalty payment when Friday TV and Millgårdh paid millions of Swedish krona to Swedish choir leader "Carolina af Ugglas" on the basis of an oral idea of the choir competition TV show "Clash of the Choirs".
"Copyright" was never in question in 2011 and was never a prerequisite for royalty payment when Legal counsel of Friday TV and Metronome created contract documents between Friday TV and BUMP with regard to "Minute To Win It" which Friday TV and NBCUniversal sold to more than fifty countries and earned hundreds of millions in profit and unjust enrichment.
"Copyright" must not be in question here and must not be used as false pretext to commit financial fraud and racial discrimination against a Black minority company.










Evidence of false statement and perjury by Caroline Kean of Wiggin LLP was put before Deputy Master Linwood in Exhibit DB in connection with BUMP's discovered evidence of concealed contract / agreement files established between Wiggin's client Friday TV and BUMP. Deputy Master Linwood falsely stated at Paragraph 85 of his court's decision of 23 February 2024 that no evidence of Caroline Kean's perjury was put before him. 

file:/// w:// Metronome / Contract / Contract Documents / Friday TV / MINUTE WINNER - You got one minute to win it …

file:/// w:// Metronome / Contract / Contract Documents / BUMP / MINUTE WINNER - You got one minute to win it …


Caroline Kean categorically denied that contracts were ever created and she stated the following on page 11 of her witness statement of 30 November 2023 which she submitted to the court in support of Wiggin’s and their insurers' strike out application: “No contract did exist, (for those were my instructions)”. But she knew that her statement, “for those were my instructions”, was FALSE and was PERJURY because she was fully aware, prior to making her statement, that her law firm Wiggin LLP was not instructed in the case at the time when those contracts were created in 2011 between “Friday TV” and “BUMP”, and she does herself confirm this on page 5 paragraph 18 of her witness statement: “Wiggin was first instructed in connection with the proceedings in 2016”. The concealed contracts were created five years before she and her law firm Wiggin LLP were retained and instructed to act for Friday TV. 

Wiggin's Witness Jock Millgårdh died by suicide in early January 2019.
His reputation and his career were put in jeopardy after his perjury in Swedish and English courts.