The indemnity claim which BUMP is pursuing against law firm Wiggin LLP, Mutter Media, Metronome, law firm Foretagsjuridik Nord Och Co Ab, now called KANTER Advokatbyrå, and others, results from statements and revelations by lawyer Caroline Kean who is co-founder and partner at English law firm Wiggin LLP.

In a letter of 7 February 2019 to Derek Banner, BUMP's founder, Caroline Kean revealed that they withheld from the courts in London and in Sweden contractual documents that were established since 2011 between their client Friday TV Ab and BUMP with regard to the gameshow "Minute To Win It" which Derek Banner created in 2003 and pitched and submitted in 2005 to Friday TV's co-founders Jock Millgårdh and Mattias Olsson.

Specifically, Caroline Kean revealed in her statements in that letter that Friday TV's Swedish lawyers "Caroline von Heidenstam" and "Lena Frånstedt Lofalk" who are both partners at Swedish law firm Foretagsjuridik Nord Och Co / now called Kanter law firm, and Friday TV's Legal counsel at Mutter Media, "Eva-Lotta Almkvist", downloaded in 2011 files with contents from BUMP's website which "Legal Counsel secured for use in evidence", and Caroline Kean also alleged in her letter that she and the English law firm she co-founded, Wiggin LLP, put those downloaded files with contents in evidence in court proceedings in London High Court in 2016 in the case BUMP filed against their clients. However despite several requests by BUMP to provide evidence of those documents, Caroline Kean and Wiggin LLP have been unable to do so, which is proof that they lied and they never disclosed those evidentiary documents to the court.

Again in 2023, in her written witness statement of 30 November 2023 she submitted to London High Court in support of an application for strike out and summary judgement that was filed by Wiggin LLP against BUMP's claim, Caroline Kean also revealed that the downloaded files with contents from BUMP's website were "saved on a server that belonged to Metronome, which is a company associated with Friday TV".

BUMP discovered in September 2011 from a server called Mutter Media, which was used by Friday TV and their Legal Counsel Eva-Lotta Almkvist, evidence of Internet links, URLs, which showed contract files that were established between Friday TV and BUMP with regard to BUMP's gameshow format "Minute Winner - You got Minute To Win It", and the discovered links also showed they downloaded files from BUMP's website: 
file:///w:// Metronome / Contract / Contract Documents / Friday TV / MINUTE WINNER - You got one minute to win it,
file:///w:// Metronome / Contract / Contract Documents / Friday TV / MINUTE WINNER - MINUTE TO WIN IT - You got one minute to win it.

The downloaded documents from BUMP's website were called "MINUTE WINNER - You got one minute to win it" and "MINUTE WINNER  MINUTE TO WIN IT - You got one minute to win it", the discovered URLs, Internet links, clearly show that the two files are kept inside folders called "contract", "Friday TV", and "BUMP", and saved on Metronome's server, precisely as Caroline Kean revealed in her witness statement she submitted to the court in London.

BUMP discovered those contractual Links or URLs the same day as those files were downloaded from its website in September 2011 by the legal team of Friday TV and Metronome, which is further proof that the discovered links represent contract files between Friday TV and BUMP. 

However, in spite of the discovered Internet Links evidence from her client's server, Caroline Kean categorically denied that contracts were ever created between her client Friday TV and BUMP and she wrote the following in her written witness statement of 30 November 2023 she submitted to the court: "No contracts did exist, for those were my instructions". She knew that her statement "for those were my instructions" was totally false because her law firm Wiggin LLP was never involved with the case in 2011 when those contracts were created between Friday TV and BUMP or when BUMP discovered the links evidence. Wiggin LLP was first retained and instructed in the case five years later in 2016, and Caroline Kean herself confirms this in her witness statement: "Wiggin was first instructed in connection with the proceedings in 2016". 

RACIAL DISCRIMINATIONA white person is paid millions for an oral idea while a black person is put under surveillance for asking to get paid.
While their clients Friday TV and Metronome have since 2008 paid millions of Swedish krona in royalties to Swedish Choir Leader "Caroline af Ugglas" on the basis of an oral idea of the choir competition TV show “Clash of the choirs”, which Friday TV sold to NBCUniversal in 2008 and to seventeen countries, Swedish lawyers Lena Frånstedt Lofalk and Caroline von Heidenstam never advised Friday TV and Metronome to start an abusive copyright dispute so they could avoid to pay the millions in royalties to the Swedish choir leader and force the choir leader to file a claim to the Swedish court; but they have done everything to discriminate, to deceive, and to defraud a black creator of "Minute To Win It" which Friday TV in 2009 sold also to NBCUniversal and later to over fifty countries, with millions in profits and unjust enrichment. This racial discrimination has also been known and condoned by Wiggin LLP in London. 

"Minute To Win It" is not the only BUMP's TV format which is being illicitly exploited; "Luxury Trap" is still being exploited since 2006 without license and without payment of royalties by Friday TV, Metronome, and others, and their lawyers have illicitly registered the trademarks "Minute To Win It" and "Luxury Trap" in Friday TV and Metronome's companies' names without permission and without agreement with BUMP.

In 2012 all three founders of Friday TV, Jock Millgårdh, Mattias Olsson, and Estelle Bodén (von Schinkel) resigned, including their Legal counsel Eva-Lotta Almkvist.
Lawyers at Swedish Foretagsjuridik NORD Och Co and English Wiggin LLP later advised Friday TV¨s co-founder Jock Millgårdh, to whom BUMP pitched and submitted its "Minute To Win It" gameshow format and who sold it to NBCUniversal and to fifty countries, to issue a false written witness statement to the Swedish and English courts and to perjure himself so they could get BUMP's claim against Friday TV dismissed.

Jock Millgårdh died by suicide in early January 2019. 

Swedish lawyer Lena Frånstedt Lofalk is today Chief Auditor and advisor to the King of Sweden, King Carl Gustaf XVI. She is co-founder and partner at law firm Kanter Advokatbyrå (former NORD Och Co Ab), previously she was vice chairman of the board of the Swedish Bar Association, chairman of the Disciplinary Board and she has held lectures on lawyers ethics. BUMP filed formal complaints against her in 2015 and in 2023 to the Swedish Bar Association but there has been a cover up and no disciplinary action has been taken against her for her racism and professional misconduct.